Draco's Weblog

My Personal Programming & Electronics Journal.

Convert BIN/CUE Image to ISO/CDR

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If you are familiar with torrents, you might have downloaded a bin/cue cd image before.

The bin/cue CD format is used by some non-Unix cd-writing software, but it’s not supported by most other programs. image.bin is the raw cd image, and image.cue is the track index file containing track types and offsets.

On FreeBSD I’ll be using the bchunk command. Read more on the man page bchunk(1)

You can install bchunk from ports, first update your ports tree and then build it.

# portsnap fetch update
# cd /usr/ports/sysutils/bchunk
# make install clean

Then just run bchunk.

# bchunk -v image.bin image.cue basename

The basename is used for the beginning part of the created track files.

This will create a new iso and cdr files which can be mounted to a vnode memory disk.
